Type: Framework
Programing language: PHP
Description: A framework for creating websites. Originally equipped with the code morphing engine "ML.Morph", the faster HiveTML (Hive's transcription mark-up language) is now utilized for creating standards-compliant pages. Besides support for URL-rewriting, multiple languages, address obfuscation for email and standards-compliant embedding of complex contents, HIVE also provides a plugin-interface (HivePI) for the fast creation of addidional modules.
Type: Stand-alone, HIVE-extension
Programing language: PHP
Description: TaSCo is an acronym that stands for Tag-based Stylesheet Compiler. This program is an inherent part of HIVE, analyzing the pages to display and compiling the used attributes into a stylesheet. To reduce performance penalties to a minimum, results are bufferd based on our in-house solution "Unaware-cache".
Type: Stand-alone, HIVE-extension
Programing language: PHP
Description: Originally planned as a standalone back-end for administation, KAMBE is now also available as an extension to HIVE. Besides user and database management, it also provides the HivePI for including additional modules.
KIENIs Library
Type: Library
Programing language: PHP
Description: The "PHP brother" of the
primary library. It provides repeatedly required tasks and reduces the time requred to create projects. Among the included features are database abstraction, email delivery, file manipulation, access control, PDF generation, CSV and XML processing and many more. This library was initially created in 2001 and has been continuously improved.
Adaptives Anti-Spam (AAS)
Type: Library
Programing language: PHP
Description: An easy to configure adaptive anti-spam system, that, with little effort, can be integrated into almost every existing website. In adaptive mode, AAS utilizes a white, gray and black list to ensure a reliable detection of spammers and excludes them. In a simplified form, AAS is an integral part of the HIVE framework.
Generalized ASP (GASP)
Type: Framework
Programing language: PHP
Description: The particular strength of GASP is the form based processing of data. Using the specially designed table mapping engine, it is possible to map arbitrary large forms to a database. When a single entry is edited by a user, the fields of the database are represented within the browser according to their properties. In order to prevent illegal use, the whole system is supported by a sophisticated user and rights management system.
HIVE Modul: mod_log
Type: HIVE-Module
Programing language: PHP
Description: The first module utilizing HivePI to appear as an optional module within HIVE and/or KAMBE. Different events are recorded (partially automatically) through this module and can be evaluated in the back-end (e.g. Kambe). It also serves as a reference project for HivePI.

Currently inactive projects
Type: Library
Programing language: PHP
Status: Currently not under active development
Description: Code morphing engine to convert non-standard compliant code into standards-compliant code in real time. Supported target languages are HTML 4.01 (strict, transitional) and XHTML 1.0 (strict, transitional).
Type: Framework
Programing language: PHP
Status: Currently not under active development
Description: A framework for developing browser games. In addition to supporting different times and seasons, HOKAGE includes a weather system and real-time feedback.
Type: Stand-alone
Programing language: PHP
Status: Currently not under active development
Description: A simple newsletter system with integrated address management, personalization of newsletters and automatic retransmission if an email was not accepted for delivery.
Type: Stand-alone
Programing language: PHP
Status: Currently not under active development
Description: After entering the email address and password, all existing mails are loaded and displayed (but still remain on the server). No information about the user or the emails itself is stored. Originally developed for a kiosk system.